Wordless Wednesday: Nellie loves Caribou…for its bear.


Nellie and her beary.

Day Twenty: Your Favorite Television Shows

I currently do not have television, Dylan, the girls and I subsist on Netflix and the occasional Hulu, but that hasn’t happened in quite a while.

Netflix however has granted me enough addiction to know that actually having cable or whatever the cool kids call it would be major-super-totally-completely-awfully-bad. For me. A total time-waster at the touch of your fingertips. I have plenty already thankyouverymuch.

But with that said, there are a few tv shows that I would keep up-to-date if I had it and they are: Glee (because I will always be a “gleek” at heart), The League, Modern Family, Bones, Parenthood, and In Plain Sight. I probably would watch Top Chef and Project Runway and gratuitously pepper in Food Network, TLC, and HGTV shows as well. And now, after just typing all those, I am more than glad we don’t have tv. Forget it “not being good for kids,” it’d be horrible for me!

But I do watch them via Netflix. It’s just that I’m only allotted so many seasons and once they’re done, they’re done, and I have to wait until the next one is available. I’m not very good at moderation when it comes to procrastination. I know, I know. It’s something I need to work on.

What do you watch on TV these days?

ETW: Afghanistan Completed!

Our adventure finally kicked off on Sunday evening with the dining company of Ben and Charlie (brave, brave souls who delved into the unknown cuisine of Afghanistan, er, rather should I say the unknown Afghani cooking capabilities of moi?).

This was what we sat down to:

Front to back: Sliced cucumbers, Sourdough bread (because I wussed out at the last minute and didn’t get the Noni done…which I’m sure would’ve been my favorite part of the meal), Seer Moss, Burani Bonjon, Sabese Borani, Kabeli Palau, Khatai Cookies

Dylan and I both really liked the Burani Bonjon and the Seer Moss was okay, but I certainly could have done without too. I think it would be super tasty over basmati rice as a vegetarian meal and Dylan thought it would be good pureed (a la hummus or baba ghanoush) with pita chips. Either way, we’ll definitely be revisiting this recipe in the (possibly quite near) future.

The Kabeli Palau was good, although we reheated leftovers the next day and they were even better. I think the flavors all had a chance to mellow out and deepen the chicken and rice. Nellie even got in on the rice action and couldn’t get enough.

I think it was pretty unanimous however that the Sabese Borani, although intriguing for onion-lovers such as ourselves was not so exciting. It was a yogurt-y spinach dip to which my very untrained palate continues to favor the mayonnaise-sour cream-water chestnut-laden one that is our family favorite.

And the cookies were definitely interesting. Different…in the way that you had to try at least two in order to make a final decision of liking or disliking.

And, as you can see from the horrendous lack, I was TERRIBLE about taking pictures of our meal post-feast. Next time I promise to be better. Maybe. Probably. Okay, I promise to try and be better.

Needless to say, the night’s dinner was a good kick-off to this epic adventure we are undertaking. We rounded out the night with coffee and long, catch-up talk (well, in between the antics of a certain overly-tired-overly-excited-hyper-bouncing-dancing-jumping three year old).

Next up: Albania

Dinner with Family

Great-Grandma Phyllis, Great-Grandpa Don and Cousins Dave and Ashley came over for a lasagna dinner a few nights ago. Great-Grandma sent me some pictures, so I thought I’d share them with you.
Dylan trying to be genuine in his smile…
We tried getting a picture of Great-Grandma and the girls, but I think we’ll have to attempt again Christmas Eve since this was the best shot we got.
Sleeping as always.
Cousins…and Ada. Well, part of Ada.

Happy 2009!

We bid 2008 adieu with Brian, Britney, Becky, Steve, Salty & Moses (Ada couldn’t man up and went to bed at 7 pm). We feasted on fondue and chocolates, all the while watching the ball drop…twice. To top off the wild night, we played a cut throat game of contemporary Yahtzee that Britney suspiciously won at the last minute.

We look forward to a new year and all the possibilities that it brings.
What does that mean? We don’t know.
But we look forward to finding out.