Mayo Clinic Take 2

Our house has once again been taken over by pestilence…or allergies in some people’s cases. Either way, it’s been pretty miserable for all of our sinuses and tempers. So those who dare to enter La Case de Dachtler, BEWARE.

We’re getting ready to go to Ada’s 6 month checkup at Mayo in Rochester. We’re not expecting any surprises as the last few months of her new medicine routine have worked extremely well. She’s battled through one legitimate cold and a few bouts of allergies (that she tested negative for?…who knows).
So. We’re hoping that that’s good and to hear that everything seems under control and that we just need to continue on going about the way we have been. That would be awesome news.
In other news–Dylan has started school. I think it’ll be tough for him to get back into the swing of things again–it’s been 2 years, but I know that in the end he’ll do great. Ada, Nellie and I are very proud of him for pursuing his teaching degree. Now if Calculus and Chemistry would just cooperate…
And in Katie news–I’m presenting two grants tonight in front of city council and I am MAD nervous. Not only do I have a whisper of a voice (thank you chronic cough, heartburn and runny nasal passages) but I am the FIRST presenter. Which, in itself is a blessing since I can get both presentations done in one night, but absolutely terrifying in the fact that I’ve never done this before or have even gotten a chance to see someone else present! Oh well, trial by fire I guess.
And of course, baby news–Nellie is due to arrive in 92 days. I scheduled all my appointments til then…so…she’s coming! AHHHHH!! And tomorrow afternoon we’ll get to see her again as I am helping my mom out by being a volunteer for teaching 3D/4D techniques at MeritCare. She’s grown so much since the last time we’ve seen her…well…I’m hoping most of this belly is her anyway.

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